Transport: International Airport


Q. Who are the silent majority within our local community and what issues do they really care about?


What we did?

As part of a Government Consultation, we were invited to run a ShareScore + Radar Audience project by a UK international Airport in order to unearth genuine understanding of local audiences who are affected by the daily operations of the Airport.

Key insights.

We developed a report for the client’s senior marketing, comms and outreach teams, providing an unparalleled insight into the concerns, issues and daily behaviour of six different sets of local community audiences.

All data was developed from social media sources and remains anonymous.

All data was developed from social media sources and remains anonymous.

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“Signify are an essential part of our team. Their analysis brings incredibly detailed insight into our audiences and their key issues, helping us to plan communications and consultation activity with a level of precision and accuracy previously not possible. An awesome team - organised, proactive, and a great pleasure to work with - Signify are the best of consultants. We wouldn’t be without them.”

— Consultation Lead, International UK Airport


Politics: People's Vote


Charity: International NGO