Political Campaigns: People’s Vote


Q. How do we help the People’s Vote campaign see outside their bubble?


What we did?

Over a six week project duration, Signify acted as an in-house data science + forensics unit team for the People’s Vote campaign, working across data insights, analytics, media planning and online forensics. We deployed AI / Machine Learning tools to create live dashboards which presented essential data to the campaign team on a real time basis.

Key insights.

We used the data insight output from these tools to identify and provide evidence on stories that helped to protect the campaign and shine a light on opposition activities.

We built dashboards, providing the campaign team with genuine insight into the pressures and interests on target MP’s + constituences.

We built dashboards, providing the campaign team with genuine insight into the pressures and interests on target MP’s + constituences.

Screenshot 2020-06-01 at 14.19.56.png

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